"For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity."

- Henri Cartier-Bresson


My love for photography began with my love of art, I began shooting things I wanted to paint. I sought out unusual scenes, interesting color combinations and soft light patterns I could recreate on canvas.

I soon realized through my process of seeking point of reference, I was already creating. I began shooting film in high school, photos of my friends' bands in exchange for tickets to the show, documenting every place I went from a new angle or view point. My passion for photography stayed with me through highschool, on road trips and European adventures, then something happened. I found myself in college enjoying my one photography class more than any of my other classes and I switched my major. I graduated with a bachelors degree  of Communications Photography from Cal State Fullerton in 2008. I worked in a studio for a while but found that the real world offers endless backdrops and nothing beats natural light.

I love shooting couples' portraits, there is a magic that happens when people start to let down their guard and just be themselves, I like to be there to capture those moments. I am an animal lover,  have recently moved to the High Desert where I am enjoying the sweeping sunsets and quiet life among pine trees, junipers and joshuas. The landscapes here are amazing!

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